Wednesday, July 27, 2011

iCadenza Future of Music Festival, Los Angeles, August 17-20, 2011.

I'm THRILLED to be performing with such a great roster of artists, at iCadenza's Future of Music Festival. I invite all of my Los Angeles area friends to come out and support this new and exciting event!

Featured on Friday, August 19th, will be a concert with me and the wonderful mezzo-soprano Cathleen Candia, joined by pianist Armen Guzelimian. Also featured on that concert will be pianists Rufus Choi and Max Levinson. 

On Saturday, August 20, from 3-5 PM, I will be presenting a master class at the Colburn School with collaborative pianist Catherine Miller Popovic and a team of exceptionally gifted singers from all over the West Coast. In this public master class, each singer will be performing an aria, and then working on their craft in front of an audience. These master classes are always full of energy, discovery, and great artistic moments - a treat for both opera student and fan. This event is free to audience members, and open to the public! Stay tuned for more details.

Tickets to the festival concerts will go on sale August 4th. More information: